
Let’s better know our two Rok Talents for 2013. Nirei Fukuzumi and Federico Squaranti. The Champions who succeeded in the fight against world rivals, Rokkers anxious of showing of their skills to gain the fabulous Vortex prize.
Next year Squaranti and Fukuzumi will wear the official Vortex colours, with the already known Rok Talent Award helmet and will attend the World and European Championship for KF2 and KF3 categories

Federico Squaranti
Town: Imperia
Astrological sign: Capricorn
School: attending the 2nd year at IPSIA of Imperia
Professional Curriculum:
2009. He has his debut in the 60 Mini National and in the Mini Rok category
2010. Still runs the Mini Rok and Mini National categories
2011. Win a Mini Rok race and gains important steps of the podium, with a 3rd place in the North West area. At the Rok Cup Italy he ends seventh and on the occasion of the Rok Cup International Final he wins the absolute 6th place (winning one heat)
2012. Shifts to the Junior Rok category and he is classified 6th in the final ranking of the North Area. He ends up with the 14th place the Rok Cup Italy and gets the ninth at the Rok Final, winning one heat.

How did you feel after the Rok Talent Award’s success, for having being chosen as official 2013 Vortex driver for KF3 category?
“I wish to thank, above all, Vortex for having selected. I’m very happy. I began the season in the Rok Cup North area pretty unlucky but race after race I improved, until the Rok Cup Italy where I did a good performance even though, for a slight collision, I went backwards.
I won a heat on the occasion of the International Final and in the final I was pretty close to gain one step of the podium. Unfortunately, I was third and a collision occurred between the first and the second driver, for this reason I lost some time.”

Did you think about the Rok Talent Award final?
“I really enjoyed the idea to reach the final and during the year I attended the competitions and updated the race results on my personal Rok Talent webpage, as requested. I liked thinking of me running in the final.”

Once that you entered the final how did you live the test day together with other eight finalists?
“It was really good. I’ve never run a KF3 before and I soon liked it. To spend one day in the hospitality and in the Tony Kart tent was also interesting since I had the opportunity to meet mechanics and all technical staff. I was excited but I enjoyed the time spent there. I just had some troubles with the English language while interviewed by press agents…”

In 2013, other than the World and European Championships for KF3 category as Vortex official driver, what will you do?
“I will run for sure still in the North Area of the Junior Rok category and I will try the KF3 to be better prepared for my future competitions with Vortex.”

Did somebody call you to congratulate? What did your parents tell you?
My parents were very happy. Concerning phone calls…  I’ve haven’t received any for the moment. I was always at school and my mobile was off.”

What are your expectations after the chance Vortex gave you with the Rok Talent?

“I wish to improve race after race.... and run fast.”

Who is your Rok manager?
“At the beginning of the season I did everything with my father. Afterwards a personal trainer cared about me and from the Rok Italy on I run with To Win Team. I think on next year, too, I will run with them.”

What is your dream?
“It’s to achieve the rally competitions with WRC. My idol is actually Sebastièn Loeb.
Here in the town where I live, Imperia, there is the San Remo rally competition and my father always took me to see it and I really like rally a lot since ever.”


Nirei Fukuzumi

Country: Japan
Birthdate: 24th January 1997
Karting career:
In 2009 he is KRP Champion in the Junior category and wins the CIK-FIA World Cup Kart Race in Japan FP-Jr.
In 2010 and 2011 he attends and succeeds in the All Japan Championship. In 2011 he also wins the ARTA Junior Championship and qualifies fifth in the Rok Cup International Final; moreover he confirms his fifth place at the Rotax Max Grand Final UAE Junior’s Championship.
In 2012 he has his debut in the top-level competitions, such as the CIK-FIA ASIA PACIFIC for KF2 category, gaining the fifth place. He attends both the European Championship and the World Cup for KF2 category.

How did you feel after having succeeded in the Rok Talent Award for attending the 2013 Championship as Vortex official driver?
I was very glad to be awarded and to have luck on my side!! Although I was not selected at first time in fact.

What are your expectations for the future events you will attend thanks to the Rok Talent Award project other than the European Championship and the World Cup for KF3 category as official Vortex driver?
Since I've already experienced in similar competitions such as European Championship and World Cup on last year, I expect better results and they can be achieved taking advantage of this experience.

You have clear ideas. Will you focus on gaining important results in 2013 thanks to the Rok Talent Award’s prize?
First of all I am aware I will have the best Vortex material at my disposition. I will be able then to aim at succeeding and this thing spurs me a lot. However if I am not able to win I will consider it a great experience for my karting career as well.

Do you wish to thank somebody in particular?
I have a lot of people to say thank to and for this reason I cannot choose some of them only. Anyway I wish to say thank to my family, my sponsor and Mr. Matsuura.

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