- Single-cylinder 2 stroke engine
- Displacement 55 cc
- Piston Port
- Air-cooled system
- Integrated electrical starter
- Centrifugal dry-clutch
- Mixture-lubricated
- Cast iron made cylinder CNC worked
- 2 transfer ducts intake
- Rectangular exhaust without rib
- Piston ring L type
- Radial bearing C4
- Bore and stroke 42x39.7mm
- 4.5 HP at 10.000 Rpm
- Max Torque 4 Nm at 8.000 Rpm
- Max 13.000 Rpm
- Selettra analogic ignition
- Dell’Orto PHBN Ø 14mm carburettor
- Vortex intake silencer
- Dell’Orto fuel pump
- Kid Rok exhaust with integrated exhaust silencer
The Kid Rok was born to satisfy the large audience of young drivers champing at the bit for their desire to become a Rokker.
The engine has the following features:
Single-cylinder 2 stroke engine, displacement 50cc, piston port. Air-cooled, equipped with centrifugal dry-clutch and integrated electrical starter.
The engine comes in a complete kit with Dell'Orto PHBN Ø 14mm carburettor, Dell'Orto fuel pump, Vortex intake silencer and exhaust with integrated exhaust silencer and wire loom.
KID ROK : small-size engine, low handling costs, great fun.
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